Joe Fafard's Peace Tower
Located in our Elbow Community Park & Orchard
Elbow is honoured and privileged to be part of the artistic legacy of Joe Fafard, Saskatchewan’s world renowned Sculptor.
From the humble farm beginning in Manitoba in 1942, Joe went on to produce most of his priceless bronze works at his Foundry in Pence Sask. Joe drew inspiration from his colourful Canadian prairie life to create his beloved sculptures of people and animals. He made an exception when creating the only original Fafard Peace Tower for our Memory Garden in the Community Park in Elbow. Dedicated in 2014, it is such a prized possession for the community. His imaginative take on our vision to promote a peaceful spot to reflect and promote peace has to be seen to be appreciated.
Joe Fafard’s amazing work is displayed in Museums and Galleries across Canada and the World, but also in this small village in Saskatchewan. This outstanding Canadian has many Honorary Degrees, the Saskatchewan Order of Merit and the Order of Canada. His most honoured production is the permanent sculpture of eleven “Running Horses” outside the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa.
This Peace Tower in Elbow reminds each of us to share the message of peace. We are a grateful people living in a peaceful, safe and beautiful place!